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Walks and Jogs for Dogs



​Exercise is vital to the all-round wellbeing of every dog, and with active dogs this is only more true!


We know that it can be difficult to keep up the level of exercise that some dogs require, and we know the disastrous consequences of them not getting sufficient outlet for that surplus energy!


Into the Ruff are experts at tiring out the untireable, and our walks are individually tailored to your dog so whether he prefers forests, rivers or just mucking around with a friendly group of new pals, we'll be happy to oblige!


With the basic walk being an hour of intensive hill-walking in the moors he's guaranteed not to be disappointed!

Weekend Hikes

We also offer the popular Weekend Day Hikes, where we'll take your dog out for four intense hours of hiking, socialising and running riot in the hills while you get a peaceful day to yourselves, safe in the knowledge that the dog is having the time of his life!


Perfect for those weekend shopping trips or days out without having to worry about the pooch!


Jogs for Dogs

For dogs that need that extra exercise, we provide medium to long distance outdoor jogs with one of our experienced runners.


This is a great way to exercise more active and larger dogs who cannot be satisfied with normal walks. They will be in more than capable hands as they are taken through the local countryside and given a good tiring out.

If you are interested in the Jogs for Dogs program we are more than happy to help! Just give us a call or send us an email and we can tell you more on this great new way to exercise your family dog.

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